Ned-H3 winter hardy fuchsias

A number of planting methods for Ned-H3 fuchsias

Nederl vlag.gif (864 bytes)

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Plantvorm 1 Flocon de neige 49 kB.jpg (49257 bytes)
Plantvorm Thompsonii 42 KB.jpg (42929 bytes)


'Flocon de Neige' - Shrub for a place in the middle of the border or for planting in partitions

Thompsonii' - Shrub for a place in the background or for a broad free-flowering hedge.


Plantvorm Whiteknights P+B 40 kB.jpg (39966 bytes)

Plantvorm Foolke 44 KB.jpg (44859 bytes)
'Whiteknigts Blush' en 'Whiteknights  Pearl' - Half-high and high shrub for many utilities (for example a broad hedge).

'Foolke' - For a solitair planting with flowers in the colour accent aubergine (robin red).


Plantvorm Suzanna 37 kB.jpg (37048 bytes)
Plantvorm Rose de Castille 36 kB.jpg (35931 bytes)
'Suzanna' - Little shrub for planting in the foreground of the border or as a 'little' solitair.
'Rose of Castile Improved' - Stiff broad shrub with inclined stems for a place in front of the border

Plantvorm Corallina 42 KB.jpg (42604 bytes)

Plantvorm F.mag.alba 39 KB.jpg (39903 bytes)


'Corallina' - Semi 'ground coverer' for large planting partitions or for a free-flowering strip along the border site.

F.magellanica molinea 'Alba' - Very big shrub for a place in the background of the border. Here in 1 year grown out with a format of 1,40x1,80 m (h x b).


Plantvorm Thom Thumb 33 kB.jpg (33654 bytes)
Plantvorm bonte Genii etc. 41 kB.jpg (41438 bytes)


'Tom Thumb' - A compact dwarfshrub for planting in groups for a place in front of the border.
F.magellanica 'Aurea' and 'Genii' - The yellow packet of leaves provides an attractive colour accent in the border.


''Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'-c-28-Updated 2 kB.gif (1754 bytes) November 2008

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