Ned-H3 winter hardy fuchsias

The difference in growth between a fuchsia to winter outside and one left in a glasshouse

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Fuchsias left to winter in the garden, will show their flowers, before the others. One has to realise that the flowering of glasshouse fuchsias are determined by the time the topping occurred (6 to 8 weeks later) and the length of daytime. The glasshouse fuchsias will want to generate lots of shoots, after several of these toppings.


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Difference in growing out - Left a plant that wintered in the glasshouse, right a 'hardy' that wintered in the garden border.

The supply of the plant's requirements to grow and flower, all need to come via the one route. This is the trunk. The glasshouse fuchsias obtain their substantial growth of the shoots, from the larger roots. A number of cultivars showed over 100 shoots, after only 3 years during the trials. The supply of the pant's needs occurs thus via the numerous 'main channels'.

This appears to explain why those fuchsias left in the garden to winter, have a more vigorous growth and an earlier flowering season, and also more flowers. It can also be expanded that the supply of water and nutrients is better 'organised', to explain the need for less water during hot spells, of the outdoor fuchsias.

 'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- c-28-Updated 2 kB.gif (1754 bytes) November 2008

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