Information about registering fuchsias (Engels) with the A.F.S

Please note!


The American Fuchsia Society has announced that it will resume registration of new fuchsias. mr. Ron Monnier has been found willing to take on this registration. Since registration has not been possible for a long time, a backlog has arisen. Mr Monnier will try to clear this backlog as soon as possible.

August 2023.



The American Fuchsia Society is the International Authority for Fuchsia Registration and Nomenclature by appointment by the International Society for Horticultural Science. They solicit the cooperation of all hybridizers throughout the world, in the common registration of all new fuchsia introductions in order to eliminate confusion and duplication of cultivar names and to establish a common reference for the description of varieties.

1. Complete all applicable items on the Application for Fuchsia Registration.

2. Registrants in Europe must send their registration request to the European regulator, Mr. Jan de Groot, Biesenkamp 57, 8081 JA Elburg, The Netherlands. Mr. de Groot is supervisor for Europe and forwards the request to the international registrar  of the A.F.S. having checked that the following rules are respected.

Email: or complete the form online on the website

3. Deadline for completing registration is November 15 for publication in the annual “New Fuchsia Introductions” issue of the A.F.S. Bulletin.

4. Names may be reserved for a period of one year, to permit development and testing of a new cultivar, by sending a request of the International Registrar. Such registrations will be vacated automatically at the end of the reservations period it the cultivar is not formally registered within the year or if a renewal of the reservation is not requested. Renewals will be granted for a second or third year, by request, but not thereafter.

5. Before initiating patent or trademark applications new cultivars should be registered with the A.F.S. to avoid name duplication.

6. If named for a living person, approval of name should be obtained.

7. Any hybridist may register a new cultivar with the American Fuchsia Society without submitting the new plant for pre- judging or evaluation by a commission, this is not a prerequisite to registration.

8. Cultivars should be grown and observed for three years prior to registration.


As International Authority for Fuchsia Registration and Nomenclature, the American Fuchsia Society subscribes to the “International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivar Plants” adopted by the International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants. They recommend compliance with the “Code for the Formation of Cultivar (variety) Names.” The International Registrar of the A.F.S. is authorized to withhold registration of any name that does not conform to these rules.

In brief, the recommendations of the code are:

1. The name should, preferably, consist of one or two words and not more than three. An arbitrary sequence of letters, an abbreviation or a numeral is counted as a word.

2. In selecting names; distinctiveness, simplicity, ease of pronunciation and spelling should be taken into consideration.

3. Do not name a fuchsia solely by the name of another genus, such as ‘Rose.’ An acceptable form would be ‘Henry’s Rose’ or ‘Rose Queen’.

4. The common name of the genus (fuchsia) cannot be used in a name.

5. Use of hybridizers, originator’s or introducer’s name or a series name is discouraged.

6. Avoid names including the word “variety” (or “var.”) or “form.” Do not use the abbreviation var.” for variegated, to avoid confusion with variety. Write the full word variegated.

7. Names containing an initial article should be avoided, unless required by linguistic custom. Not “The Colonel” but “Colonel.” On the other hand, not “Rochelle” but “La Rochelle.”

8. Avoid names beginning with abbreviations, except “Mrs.” in English. Not “G. Creelman” but “George Creelman”; not “Wm. Thomas” but “William Thomas”; not “Mt. Kisko” but “Mount Kisko”; not “St. John” but “Saint John.”

9. Avoid name containing forms of address, unless required by national customs, as for married women. Rejected are singular forms, Fraulein, Herr, Mademoiselle, Miss, Mister Senor, Senorita and equivalents in other languages. Admissible are the forms for married women, Frau, Madam, Mrs., Senora, and other married equivalents. Rejected would be “Miss Jones,” acceptable would be “Mary Jones.”

10. Avoid names containing excessively long words or phrases.

11. Avoid names which exaggerate the merits of the variety or which may become inaccurate through the introduction of new varieties or other circumstances, such as “Largest”, “Latest” etc.

12. Avoid names which refer to some attribute common or likely to become common, such as not “Yellow” but “Yellow Queen” etc.

13. Avoid names likely to become confused with existing names such as “Beatrice” and “Beatrix,” “Helen,” “Helene,” “Helena” and “Elen” except when surname follows, “Darwin” and “Charles Darwin,” etc.

14. When a cultivar name has been translated into another language it is preferably left unchanged. However, it may be translated if the translation is regarded as the original name in a different form, such as “Eisenkopf” is translated into English as “Iron Head.”

15. Personal names should not be translated. “Charles” should not be translated to “Karl” or vice versa, etc.