Fuchsia-info Magazine



16. Minifuchsia ... a class apart   Author: Maarten de Waard

c-22-Nederl vlag 1kB.gif (864 bytes) To Dutch version

In the period that the author of this article was the president of the NKvF-devision Regio Zuid-Gelre this regio has instituted a number of four competitions 'Open Klasse'. In 1993 there was added to it also the Drs. Mia van der Zee-Kruseman tropee for the nicest breeded 'minifuchsia'. Such a minifuchsia isn't a fuchsia which has of nature a growth as a little dwarfshrub. It must well be a variety that grow out normal as a robust standard, shrub or trailer, in a (large) pot. However the specifically of the minifuchsia is that the plant has a fine presence during the examination afterthat the plant gives satisfaction to the instituted examination requirements for this class [see next of this]. And as you can read after this that demandes yet a specific method of breeding.

Examination Requirements class 'Minifuchsia': "breeded in  a pot with a maximum above-diameter and height of 9 cm. Repotting back from out a larger pot isn't allowed. The plants may be one then well  more then one year old  and it is allowed in a pot only one plant".


While there can be held on a little surface a decent variety of minifuchsias and there are to select out on the day of the examinations normal the best plants for sending in for the competition, I have got prettiness to take part in this competition class. When I started this breeding method, no members of our regio hadn't specialised in this area. Therefore there was sufficient space to experiment something on my own manner. Besides that I had a real chance to fall also once in the prices. In the meantime that happens some times and some fuchsialovers have asked me how I breed my minifuchsias. Well then, a standard recept I haven't but after this there follows here well a number of practical tips.

Choice of the suitable cultivars

First of all minifuchsias can become breeded just like normal fuchsias as a standard, shrub or trailer.
For competitions you must well send in plants of more then one year old while plants of one year don't become appreciate highly by the jury. I myself find standards of more than one year old the best. The choice for breeding as a minifuchsia is extremely important. Varieties with little flowers which are flowering abundantly have my preference. By doing this you can got the just proportion between length of stem, the format of the crown and mild flowering, that is an important criterion of judgement for the jury. Some as minifuchsia breeded varieties with which I have won awards in 2000 are Daniëlle Stoel, Lady Thumb and Willie Tamerus.
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WALZ Bella - A some years old mini-fuchsia breeded in a 9 cm pot.
The breeding from out of a cutting
The following step is the choice of health and force growing cuttings. Repot the rooted cuttings first in 5cm-pots and afterthat step by step in larger pots till the repotting in the maximum 9 cm pot size is reached.
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The series Lady Thumb, Tom Thumb and Son of Thumb is very suitable to breed as mini-fuchsia..

To get a minifuchsia in a good form is topping in just time during the breeding in the first year very important. The best length for a standard isn't exactly to predict, but lies between 10 and 25cm. Take therefore more cuttings of the same variety and top them at various lengthes. Select the nicest specimens afterthat the crown is formed and the plants are flowering in the second year. Throw away the other ones. Afterthat there is topped, made a nice dense crown by topping new armpitshoots always after each first pair of leaves again.

Don't use fertilizer with much nitrogen (such as 30-10-10) while then the internodes become too long.

Don't let come into flower the plants in the first year (so don't use 9-45-15). My preference goes out to fertilize with 20-20-20. In relation to the little pot size the danger of dosing over is great. Therefore I start when the rooting is good with a daily dosage of only 0,25gr/l. When the growth there is, once I suffice with 0,5 gr/l. From the middle ofAugust aids the forming of wood stems by switching over to 20-9-45.

Special measures during the breeding

The household of water from minifuchsias in 9cm-pots is very difficult while they dry out very quickly. Most fuchsialovers have the greatest problem with this while they need still more attention than by normal fuchsias. On very warm days giving water 2 or 4 times can be necessary.

Therefore two advices: place minifuchsias always on a spot with half-shadow or filtered light and place the

Be in spring very holding back in giving water and fertilizer during  slow growth and cold weather

9 cm-pot in a greater pot filled with soil (the double-pot method.). The greater mass of soil has a buffering working  
on the percentage of water and temperature. That last advice is very important while in 9cm-pots the temperature of the soil can become nearly the same to the temperature of the environs, what can be fatally for the plants on very warm days. By using the double potmethod, thinks well to it to throw the innerpot weekly with regard to the outer pot. This prevents the growth of roots in the outer pot. The growth of roots in the outer pot is absolute forbidden while the minifuchsia by this has the disposal of a greater volume of soil as following the competition regulations is allowed. Notice that the jury here pay attention to rightly very critical.


Manner of wintering

At the time me was predict that the most difficult phase in the breeding up would be that of the wintering. The contrary however is the matter. Over the years I have now tried out various methods and they are working true all, witness the fact I have now more minifuchsias of 7-8 years old which are breeded in various manners.
The tested methods are:
 J16-Lieveheersb-2kb.gif (1456 bytes) preserve in a shut polystyreen box/tray filled with light wet made peat-litter. Undo the plants before of leaves, prune light back. Remove the soil. Preserve frostfree and repot again in spring in fresh soil.
 J16-Lieveheersb-2kb.gif (1456 bytes) prepare the plants in the same way but next repot close standing together in a tray with peatlitter. Put away frostfree in an environs with filtered light. Spray water weekly and repot in spring.
 J16-Lieveheersb-2kb.gif (1456 bytes) this method is for fuchsialovers with a not heated glass-house. Begin September undo the plants of leaves and prune them back. Give moderate water. The plants will run out allready in Oktober. If necessary top them and repot not before April.


Care of plants which are more than one year old

In the second year and in following years is pruning in form again very important. Take care that there come into existence a nice united crown by a standard as well by a shrub. By throwing regularly you prevent that the plant to one site is growing to the light. By growing weather fertilize daily with 20-20-20. Alternate with 30-10-10 and during the flowering time with fertilizer with much phosphorus 9-45-15, and do that always in a low dosage of 0,5 gr/l. Pay always attention by giving fertilizer to the condition of the plant and adjust the fertilizing if necessary.
After topping the last time minifuchsias are in blossom allready after about 4-6 weeks. That is after my experience something more quick than with fuchsias in large pots and has to do probable with the marginal growing circumstances of a minifuchsia. Give from the middle of August some times 20-5-30 to further the stems become woody. From minifuchsias that I want to save I remove all the flowers directly after the competition to prevent exhausting. Mid-September I carry out allready the winterpruning. In my opinion in this way the new buds can still become good formed before autumn is falling and then even can run out allready again.
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Leverkusen - Here as a mini-fuchsia standard.

'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- c-28-Updated 2 kB.gif (1754 bytes)November 2008