With 68 articles and several subarticles |
Magazine |
6 articles and some subarticles |
Catalogue with items
fuchsialore |
Devided in 19 groups on
57 pages, total about 850 items |
Antique botanical
fuchsiaprints |
engravings found on internet, now ca.225 plates |
Ned-H3 winter
hardy fuchsias |
on webmasters book" Ned-H3 Hardyfuchsias " |
winter hardy fuchsia photo gallery |
120 photo's of Ned-H3's devided over 9 galleries. |
'Tried out for you'
Bring up information for the fuchsiahobby |
Much of this information in 14 articles you find not yet in any fuchsiabook or
website |
Checklist to
ca.5500 fuchsia cultivars |
Checklist names and synoniem names fuchsia
species |
searchengine to fuchsia websites
you find now the GFI/website on the NKvF/site |
In 2010
Gerrit had to stop by medical reasons with building out and keeping in repair the Gelderse Fuchsia Info/site. The making
and publishing from it have cost him hundreds hours of working and
but give
him much pleasure. While he
wanted not that his website with much valuable and unique
information shouldn't get lost, he has asked the NKvF to place
it on the NKvF-website and keep it also in repair. The NKvF
accepted this offer and so you see here the results. You find on
this page a number of beams with on it links to the several
groupsinformations. The groups appear when you press the
enter-button at the begin of the beam. |