fuchsiacards o.a.tradecards and scraps
Dutch version
Still some 'collectors items' with fuchsias printed on paper |
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Victorian Fuchsias' from 1879. The artist of this plate
and the source of destination are unknownD |
'Fuchsia Birthday Card'. No other givens are
known.. |
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Litho Fuchsia Flower Plant' - A color litho of fuchsias
printed about 1880. |
in the greenhouse' Publication from 1910 of the artist A. Fairlas Muckley. |
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Choice Fuchsias' - This was added as supplement by the 'Amateur Gardening' publication
August 27 1938. From link-above to right-under 'Lena',
'Rundle', 'Heritage', 'Ballet Girl', 'Fascination'. |
Geraniums & Fuchsia's -
Drawn byPercy King and is a plate that is made in the period1900-1949. ' |
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Flowers'- Plate (with detail) outof the 6e edition from 'Meyers Konversations
Lexicon', author Hermann Julius Meyers and published by 'The Bibliographises Institut'
1905-1913. |
Print from Stinson Portland ME - This is a 4x9" print
outof1881 with a fuchsia branche. |
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Victorian Scrap - 'Crosses Pansies,
Sweet Peas, Fuchsia, Passion flower'.
Authentic 19th century embossed die cututs, |
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'scraps' voor scrap-albums |
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relief cut 'Victorian plate' from the period of Queen Victoria |
fuchsia 'scrap' from the period 1870 - 1920 |
Girl ringed by horseshoe&fuchsias. A victorian trade
card.Lithographer Bufford Size 4 x 6 inches |
''Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'
November 2008 |