Shortly yellow fuchsia with 'Made in Japan'? |
To Dutch version
One of
the great wishes of a top-hybridizer in the fuchsiaworld is that he may introduce a
fuchsia with real yellow flowers. Some seasons allready there were introduced new
cultivars where in the colour yellow occurs. Mostly these novelties showed flowers in a
pale yellow colour, while this yellow also soon discoloured to rose. And still always this
top-hybridizers dream of 'their yellow fuchsia'. But for how long still? |
a meeting of the UTC-members of the Dutch Fuchsia Society a member of the
Veredelings-groep (Group of hybridizers) mentioned that nota bene a Belgian hybridizer had
presented as the first one, a yellow fuchsia under the cultivar name 'Cleo'. It
seamed that some other hybridizers in the group allready were well-informed about it and
they know this rumour further to unnerve. For this novelty would not have real bright
yellow flowers. Upon this there came into existence well a discussion about the used
cross-breedings parents for this variety, allthough only one of the crossbreeding-parents
was known, namely 'WALZ Harp'. And of this cultivar they know to mention
certainly that there was sitting in the flowers 'some yellow'. Such a diagnose has
naturally his effect on other hybridizers who are on the hunt for 'their yellow fuchsia'.
Especially Belgian and Dutch hybridizers tried to brought out with the
crossbreeding-parent 'WALZ Harp' a better yellow fuchsia. In the checklist on
this GFI-website (Fuchsia-info Magazine art. 17) there are noticed a number of
after 1994 brought out new cultivars with in it this fuchsia out of the 'serie WALZ
music-instruments'. However, this serie is known as 'no easy to cultivate' and it is
possible that they also have passed this property to many of these new cultivars.
A second cultivar with
much yellow in the flowers becomes introduced about a year lateron by the Dutch hybridizer
Martin Beije. His 'Martin's Yellow Surprise' was presented, surround with
much mysteriousness. Namely, the crosbreeding-parents may in the beginning not become
announced, Finally this new-comer seamed not to satisfy to the image of a real yellow
fuchsia. |
further development to yellow was with this new-comer obvious not succesfully, for there
are presented more little crossbreedings with this one and its crossbreeding-parents (F.fulgens
hybride x F.pilaloensis). Yet the members of the 'UTC-Veredelingsgroep' hope to bring
on the market via DNA-research finally a real yellow fuchsia. But there are now
indications that those yellow fuchsia there shortly comes from out an other sector, namely
out of the professional horticulture via genetic transformation.
petunia is coming' |
Under this headline
stood in our daily paper recently following press report (here translated from Dutch
language): |
researchers have unraveled how some flowers are coming to their yellow colour. They
discovered the enzym and the accessory biochemical reactions which put on to the
molecule that finally colours the petal yellow. This knowledge can become used to make new
ornamental plants. "From
plants as the petunia their exist no yellow variants", that says Toru Nakayama of the
Tokio University."But when once the yellow-enzym is available, we have a tool in
hands for to make by these plants yellow flowers via genetic manupulation. Most
flowercolours are definited by a group of molecules which are known as flavonoïden. In
the snapdragon and the cosmea that comes by the flavonoïd aurone. Nakayama and his
colleagues found the key-enzym and called that aureusidine synthase. The protein belongs
to a group of enzyms of which the function was riddle till now. |
fuchsia ... 'Made in Japan? |
above-mentioned press report it will be clear that on similar way one can develop in Japan
a fuchsia with yellow flowers. The attractive of such a yellow fuchsia is that this via
nursery patent can deliver much money. It looks out that this money then not will go to
hibridizers of a fuchsia society. More strong yet, their dream of 'their yellow fuchsia'
or yellow variants then possible is over. For mostly there may not crossed further
with such a by nursery patent protected fuchsia. He who can present still out of its
dia-collection his represented dream of 'their yellow fuchsia' on the screen shall must
have to do it with that. |
For the
top-hibridizers there is now still yet the possebility to realise an other dream, namely
the introduction of an all blue fuchsia. If that now will real be such a nice fuchsia,
shows the 'website background' where this article is placed before. Say now by yourself,
in the meantime our top-hibridizers have allready introduced fuchsias in other colour
variants and forms, which are yet much more blooming |
. |
Anno 2005 there is introduced by Martin Beye
the new cultivar 'Martin's Choice Impr.' , that gives more satisfaction to the
picture of a yellow fuchsia (see photo under). But anno 2007 the real
yellow fuchsia isn't there. |
'Martin's Choice Impr.' |
'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- November
2008 |