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O.Remaining 'antique botanical fuchsia prints' found on internet.

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From the work entitled 'The British Flower Garden' (series the second), containing coloured figures & descriptions of the 'Ornamental & Curious Hardy Flowering Plants', by Robert Sweet, published in 1830's. Sweet was a horticulturalist, who worked at several English plant nurseries and produced several botanic books.

'Balloon-flowered fuchsia'- This is the species F.globosa.
F.microphylla - 'The small leaf fuchsia'. Plate nr.16


 Boxthorn Fuchsia and Long-stalked Spurge (F.lycioides and Euphorbia petolaris), From the book 'Pantalogia' by John Mason Good & Olinthus Gilbert Gregory, published in London 1813, Also identified as Good and Gregory's New Cyclopedia,  published in 12 volumes with 370 plates.



F.coccinea - Nr.40 out of 'Blumengarten' from Johan Batch, that was published in 1802 .



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'Les Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs' - Pierre-Joseph Redoute (1759-1840). This is one of the most famous botanical artists. Redoute was born in Belgium, but allready soon he removed to La France. On this print nr.43 is standing 'Fuchsia écarlate' or 'Fuchsia coccinea'.



Plates out of 'The Florists' Magazine' - A register of the newest and Most Beautiful Varieties of Florists' Flowers' by Frederick W.Smith.




'Stylosa Conspicua' (May 1840). F.fulgens x .?. From edition 1840/1841 pag.16 plate L1.



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J19-a.Toddiana 1842 17kB.jpg (17256 bytes)


F.fulgens -'The Shining Fuchsia'. From 'Plantae Utiliores' or 'Illustrations of Useful Plants employed in The Arts and Medicine' by Gilbert Thomas Burnett. The plates in it are made by his sister Mary A.Burnett.  Published in London by  Whittaker & Co in 1842.

'Toddiana' (Todd GB 1842) - Would be a seedling of F.globosa. 'Handcolored plate' of Alfred Atlard. Is plate 34 in a gardenmagazine from publishing business How&Parsons in London.



'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - November 2008

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