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H.'Dietrich Flora Universalis 1831'from Dr.David Dietrich

To Dutch version

Dietrich Flora Universalis 1831
This monumental work of Dr. David Dietrich was published in 1831 by August Smid in Jena, Germany.
A number of the here shown cultivars are introduced later as 1831 and could not been drawn before 1831 ???
Also it is remarkable that understanding 4 plates consist many same elements of prints outof 'Paxton's Magazine of Botany' (sometimes they are composed only in an other composition). They can been drawn after by Dietrich or his drawer by the hand of it. Also it is remarkable that much of the at the bottom standing 4 plates consist equal elements of prints in 'Paxton's Magazine of Botany' (sometimes only presented in an other composition). So they can been drawn after by Dietrich or his drawers on the basis of that plates. Compare the thumbnails at the bottom with plates you find on the GFI-web B.Paxton's Magazine of Botany' from Joseph Paxton.
Boven de culivar 'Recurvata' (Niven , Ierland 1836)
Standishii hybriden, onder 'Queen Victoria' (Smith 1843)
Right-above: F.arborescens. Under: F.loxensis and F.thymifolia

6Above species  F.cordifolia (Bentham 1841). Under F.radicans (Miers 1841)


Boven species F.excorticata (Forster 1776).
Above the hardy cultivar 'Exoniensis' (Pince 1842)

F.serratifolia, onder F. regia radicans


 Above F.coccinea, right-above F.loxensis; link-under  F.globosa, right-under F.bacillaris. A mid F.decussata  (however this print is drawn after of F. mag. macrostemma from Curtis) and to the right F.macrophylla.

Various Fuchsia species:above F.cylindracea; under that to  the right species F.discolor  and under to the link species  F.fulgens


Above: F.alpestris(Gartner 1842). Under F. macrantha (Munz 1943).
J19-F.exoniensis  Paxton 47kB.jpg (47410 bytes)


J19-Fuchsia's van Standish Paxton 45kB President_Clossus-Attraction.jpg (45099 bytes)

Standish hybrid,

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'Queen Victoria'

J19-F.coccinea Scarlet fuchsia 97 26kB.jpg (26065 bytes)


Comparable drawings in  B.'Paxton's Magazine of Botany'from Paxton


'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - November 2008

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