.. |
Boven de culivar
'Recurvata' (Niven , Ierland 1836) |
Standishii hybriden,
onder 'Queen
Victoria' (Smith 1843) |
. |
Right-above: F.arborescens. Under: F.loxensis
and F.thymifolia |
6Above species F.cordifolia
(Bentham 1841). Under F.radicans (Miers 1841) |
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Boven species F.excorticata (Forster 1776). |
Above the hardy cultivar
(Pince 1842) |
onder F. regia radicans |
F.corymbiflora |
Above F.coccinea,
right-above F.loxensis; link-under F.globosa,
right-under F.bacillaris. A mid F.decussata
(however this print is
drawn after of F. mag. macrostemma
from Curtis) and to the right F.macrophylla. |
Various Fuchsia species:above F.cylindracea;
under that to the right species F.discolor
and under to the link species F.fulgens |
Above: F.alpestris(Gartner 1842).
F. macrantha (Munz 1943). |
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