'Jaspers' is not allowed? Do me than more'Jaspers Donderstraal' * From 1988 author Hans van Aspert keeps himself busy with making crossbreedings of fuchsias. The name of his first variety 'Jaspers', got by demand of the name by AFS there in America no approval. This name seems appear to much on the AFS no.2024 'Jasper' from the author Howarth. He had to become presented again with a new name and Hans considered the name 'Jaspers Donderstraal', a name that in fuchsiaworld delivers rather hilarity. But how did this fuchsia name come into existence? The father of a young friend of the author often speak former to him with the nickname 'Jaspers'. And an uncle of the author found him former rather self-conceited and named him therefore 'Donderstraal'. After adding this second nick-name to Jaspers, this variety became inscribed under AFS no.2703. However this new name was discribed wrong by the AFS-registration. It last some years before'Donderstraal Jaspers' was rectified by the AFS in'Jaspers Donderstraal'. Most of his presented varieties now have a name, that is preceded by 'Jaspers ...\ * Donderstraal = is a term of abuse
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