J19-Knophome 2kB.jpg (2001 bytes)               J19-Knopback  2kB.jpg (1931 bytes)


11.Antique fuchsiaplates with on it also birds, insects or other plants

To Dutch version

Fuchsia and Fritillaria - Plate 167 in  Felix Edward Guerin Meneville's 'Dictionnaire Pittoresque 'd Histoire  Naturelle' 1839

Guerin Natural Prints Fuchsia&Fritillary 44kB.jpg (44366 bytes)

F.spectabilis and kolibri - Source of origine is unknown


F.spectabilis en kolibri 22,7kB.jpg (23309 bytes)

F.coccinea and insects as  Lanternfly and Fulgera in various stadia. Artist J.Pass 1805, publ, by J.Wilkes in  'Encyclopedia Londinensis'

J19-83a.Fuchsia and Fulgora 17kB.jpg (17340 bytes)

'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- November 2008

J19-Knopnext 2kB.jpg (5294 bytes)