On the homepage from
'Flower Essence
Pharmacy' stands among other things that there are meanwhile more than 7000
different essences put on the market by more than 40 international exorting manufacturers.
It wouldn't wonder me that also the flowers of fuchsias make into essence are available in
the form of healing drops in little bottles. |
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remedies of Dr. Bach |
In our
country is the alternative curative method with the help of flowers essences most known of
the 'Flowers Remedies of Dr. Bach'. On the web-ite
'Bloesem Remedies Nederland'
there is to read that this system, developed by the English Dr. Edward Bach, is an always
growing curative method of which the remedies begin with their working-out on the
spiritual emotional niveau. "The flowers remedies can help to find us in troubles
and illnesses the right way, not only by strengthen of our intuitive forces, but also by
the furthering of the 'positive'qualities'. By using flowers remedies, somebody
becomes more clear in contact with his or her own feeling, sothat the person himself gets
insight how he or she can bring the disturbed emotions in balance again", so is
to read in the beginning of the site. The there given example explained in a measure this
for me difficult to understand curative method. "When for example you have fear
this isn't a fear, but the lacking of the part courage. Are you living for example under
continue fear then this will affect the vital power and vitality of the person. When you
have made yourself familiar the part courage, there exist a balance sothat the stress
and/or illness can let loose his grip and the body self can go to begin in a natural way
on the repairing". |
My begin
of the search tour to a 'Fuchsia flowers essence' however didn't deliver one in the range
of 38 Bach-remedies that is made of fuchsias. |
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tour in other systems flowers essences |
1978 there becomes prepared in North-America the Californian F.E.S. flower essences and
distributed all over the world. "These 72 remedies are excellent suitable for
application in this modern time and made this curative method not only accessible for
illnesses, but care also that one can go through a spiritual growth", so is to
read on one of the flowers essences sites. |
By the
articles about Fuchsia Grevillea and Fuchsia Gum we met allready
an other system of flowers essences, namely the Australian Bush Flowers Essences. The
flowers of these 'false fuchsias' delivered allready two of the range of 50 essences
prepared by the botanist Ian White. The speciality of these flowers essences out af the
country that have the largest number flowering plants of the world, we read elsewhere on a
site. "The Bush essences give not only clearness about our aim of life and dreams
of life, but give also courage, power and enthusiasm to fullfill these targets and dreams.
They also help us to come to a higher niveau of intuition, self-confidence, spiruality,
creativity and pleasure." |
Now I
begin to become to be more and more curious to know to the fact, if there is also a
flowers essence made prepared of fuchsias and with which I can made me own all that
positive predicted properties. Therefore now more not enlarging upon other systems of
flowers essences, for then still calling some wellknown: the 72 prepared flowers
remedies of the 'Flower Essences of Alaska' and those of the 'The South African Flower and Gem
Essences'. It was going finally in this article for finding a flowers essence of the
fuchsia and what that essence then has for effect, isn't it?. |
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flowers essences and their effect |
Now we
are going to look wath various sites have to tell about the qualities/properties of a
fuchsia essence. |
On the
site 'Flower
Essence Services FES Quintessentials' there becomes ascribed to the qualities of a
fuchsia the following properties: |
qualities: Genuine emotional vitality, ability to express deep feelings Patterns
of imbalance: False states of emotionality which cover more deeply-seated pain
and trauma; psychosomatic symptoms. |
The site
'Healing Garden Essences' writes in 'More Essences' about the Fuchsia flowers essence the
following: |
Fuchsia is a very
powerfull essence for clearing blockages within the emotional body and around the heart
chakra. This essence should be used with care as it can stimulate a very strong proces of
emotional catharsis. However, the appropriate therapeutic setting and/or personal support
netwerk, this essence can be invaluable. |
description of the fuchsia essence on the site of 'The South African Flower and Gem
Essences' writes it as following: |
This essence
unblocks suppressed emotions in the body -"I didn't know I felt that way"- and
uncovers deep-seated anger, pain and shame stored in the body. It cleanses the heart
chakra and the emotional body, moving energy held in the head down, through the physical
body to the base chakra. It assists in the expression of deep feelings without inhibition,
allowing such feelings to be brought into consciousness, understood and integrated into
the life process thereby freeing passion and compassion, to be used creatively. |
of flowers essences is 'work of specialists' |
To make
a good working flowers essence, this cann't been made by our fuchsialovers themself in a
way as we former the flowerleaves of roses pressed out. Between the links to 40
'manufacturers' of such essences on 'Flower
Essence Pharmacy' there stand described by supplier 'Home Garden Flower Essences'
the way of
preparation by Phyllis B. Darson as follows: |
The Home Garden
Flower Essences are made from flowers that grow in our own gardens. Although this was not
in my consciousness when I was given the names of those to be used, it occured to me as I
worked on making the range how appropriate and powerful it was to be using flowers that
were in our actual environment. The whole inspiration for this project came from the
Devas, and all remedies have been prepared with their co-operation. They also inspired the
definitions listed for use of each of the essences and gave very definite instructions for
the procedure to be followed in their preparation. Although each one had its own unique
needs, they were all made using rainwater energized with a herkimer diamond and completed
by being imbued with a particular gem or crystal energy, being placed under a pyramid for
a specific time, receiving pendulum power invoking the Christ energy, and finally being
blessed with Reiki symbols. |
you ask yourself which of some thousands varieties fuchsias are most suitable. Now, that
seams to be yet important qua effect, for by this manufactor deliver two various fuchsia
flowers essences of different fuchsia varieties also an other own working-out: |
'Cotton Candy' - Fourth Dimension. With my very fine vibrations I bring about a
state of 'higher frequency' within the individual so that a greater awareness of the
higher dimensions is achieved. This is the awareness, the raising of consciousnes, which
brings a greater perception of and communication with higher levels of being. |
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'Lord Byron' - Mothering. This essence is for those who experience difficulty
with the mothering role. This may be for women who have problems accepting their role as
mothers; it may be for men who are forced into a caring, nurturing role (e.g. as sole
parent); it may be for those who feel they have been deprived of real mothering in their
own lives. It brings about an understanding of what the role of mother is and the ability
to use this new understanding with wisdom. |
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Yes, you
feel after reading last described two fuchsia flowers essences perhaps, that I have a by
me welling up pressing question. Would there be to prepare more 'tastes' with the
remaining thousands of variaties fuchsias? When you will try out such an essence, I suppose they aren't to get by the
'druggist at the corner'. But then is there allways the possibility to order them via
internet by pressing the links of foregoing websites in this article with a passing
way of paying. May it help to loose your problems. but I say now: I don't
likewise..... |