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In our country inside of the Dutch Fuchsia Society NKvF their is payed
still more little attention to this supplementing collectors hobby. During the National
Fuchsia Shows of the last twenty years they showed there well in some stands how creatif a
number of members is in needlework and painting. The shop of this society pay attention to
this hobby for the members and visitors, who are less creatif - more also are handy: they
offer for sale different fuchsia cross stitch kits, spoons, thimbles etc. In the Dutch Fuchsia Society magazine Fuchsiana
December 2002 the NKvF Society announced that every year in autumn their is an
exhibition of Fuchsia Lore. |
I find on the website of a regional English Fuchsia Society the nice
and better passing English naming 'fuchsia related goods'. The co-ordinating British Fuchsia Society even has a separate
division for the English hobby-ists: the 'Fuchsia Lore Club', with an own badge, an
own society magazine (see picture 2 beside) with in it among other things limited offers
of collectors-items. As 'Fuchsia Items of interest' the editors of this Society magazine
named: embroidery and other needlework, porcelain dinner and tea sets, glasobjects as
tiffiny or stained glass, paintings and drawings. |
Pict. 2 |
Internet and Fuchsia Lore |
The internet can help on way many collectors by enlarging of their
collections. Via a search instruction in the searchengine with the given in notation 'Fuchsia Lore' the found number of passing sites is very
limited. But yet this 'fuchsia
related goods' seam to be
present on internet. |
For example hidden in the database of searchengine Google after
giving in the search instruction 'fuchsia OR fuchsias', I noticed allready nearly 100
websites with 'fuchsia
related goods'.
Antiquarians there offer for sale the nicest vases and dinnersets with on it nice
fuchsia motives. There also appears that the fuchsia is a beleaved subject by paint and
needle artists. A lot of paintings/prints and needle kits are to order via internet.
Pict. 2 |
What allready before on this website is noticed in the article 13. Efficient searching to fuchsia-sites on
internet' of the Fuchsia-info
Magazine, the word fuchsia is
written in different languages in an other way. For example as fuscia (Italian), fucsia
(Spanish) and Fuchsior (Swedish). |
Pict.4 |
Besides that it is obvious also that the makers of the 'fuchsia related goods' have difficulties with a just writing
of this word (for example fushia, fuschia etc.).
The internet shows the most wonderfull 'fuchsia related goods'. Such as picture 4 of a nice 'fuchsia tatoo for the upperarm'. And it
will not wonder you that there are sitting many real ketch objects between it.
Picture 1 and 3 are fuchsialore objects of the author himself.Many fuchsia collector-items are for sale on
the American auction site Ebay.com
. They are 'hidden' in the database between many offered cloth, shoes etcetera with
the colour fuchsia. You get to see the lists with items via
four different search instructions: fuchsias, fuchsia, fuschia and
fuscia. |
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Fuchsialovers who are interested in Fuchsia Lore can subscribe to the in
August 2002 started English 'Fuchsia Lore Email-group' Fuchsia-Lore-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk
of which the contact person is Christopher J.Page, Highcroft Farmhouse, Gay Street,
Pullborough, West Sussex RH20 2HJ, England.
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