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D.'Floricultural Cabinet & Florists Magazine' from Joseph Harrison

To Dutch version

  The 'Floricultural Cabinet & Florists Magazine' out of the period 1833-1859 is a special historical document that then followed the actual developments in horticulture. The magazine appeared monthly with in it one or two handcolored plates besides about 20 pages. Sometimes there stood in them Victorian poems about flowers. The plates out of the magazine were made by Joseph Harrison.  



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 F.spectabilis - For the first time found in 1844 by Bentham. Is now as species known under the name F.macrostigma.

'Village Maid' - (Harrison 1844). The other plant is a variety of a  Thunbergia.

J19-Prince Arthur & Globosa magnifica 33kB.jpg (33090 bytes)


'Prince Arthur'- The white/red version of the 3varieties with this name is from Nicholls 1850. The two flowers under are of 'Globosa Magnifica' (Walton 1851).
'Constellation' (Miller 1845) - A crossbreeding of F.fulgens x F.corymbiflora.. Plate 73 in edition 1844.



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F.cylindracea - (Lindley 1838). This  species exist also under the name  F.parviflora. A plate from edition 1839.

F.fulgens -(De Candolle 1828). It is possible that the unnatural colours of this print has come into existence during scanning.

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'Venus Victrix' (Gulliver 1842). The first purple/white cultivar is possible a sport of F.magellanica gracilis. A bove 'Enchantress' (Harrison 1842). Plate 169 from Vol. X (out of 1842).

Tulip & fuchsias - The fuchsias are'Madonna' (Harrison 1843) and 'Goldfinch' (Harrison 1844). Plate 225 in Vol. XI.





Geranium and F.magellanica robertsii - Following 'Checklist from Boullemier' the flower of it would be something more small than that of F.magellanica 'riccartonii'

F.radicans and Camelia Japonica



Pansies, Fuchsia and Prince of Orange Flowers - The fuchsia could be one of the 5 varieties 'Elegans'
The fuchsia to the left under to this plate outof Vol. 1 of 1833 is F.globosa.Sizes of the plate are 21,5 x 13 cm.

J19-77a.Queen Victoria - Harrison 14kBBotanical Magazine 1845 14kB.jpg (13620 bytes)

Rosea alba - From the edition 1842, plate no. is unknown and also the other flowers are by me unknown.

'Queen Victoria' and 'Tropaedum Lobbiamum'. From the edition ca. 1845, Plate number is unknown.



 No other givens of this plate with on it also a fuchsia.

Phlox and fuchsia 1843 - Out of Van Houtte's seedling Phlox and seedling fuchsia,


                                                                                  'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- November 2008

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