After pruning in
autumn of the year 1994 I placed my plants end October in the glass-house. And as usely I
had then to many plants, through which they fitted in the too little glass-house only
placed close together. A problem that nearly every fuchsialover has in autumn, while he
usely can throw away plants difficult. With as a result the coming into existence of
botrytis in the close together placed plants. You know then that the glass-house better
must been ventilated. But
with an autumn like in 1994 that was for a long time cold and humid, ventilating of the
glass-house isn't so easy. With the help of a ventilator you can hold well a good
streaming of the air in the glass-house, but with it you don't stop the growing of the
plants. And that happens to me also. By the vigorous grow it all has become still more
close. 'By giving water as less as possible the grow should well go slow down', I
thought so. However, the humidity became not lower than 90% and that is in a little
glass-house with many plants much to high. When you haven't a hygrometer in the
glass-house you can this also seen to much condense water on the panes. Therefore I dared
to give the plants hardly no water with as a result they drooped.
At that moment it than goes wrong.
While the drooped leaves are hanging together there comes into existence botrytis on those
leaves, while the soil then is bone-dry. You must then yet real give water, allthough the
humidity can be still yet around 85%. Giving water best can happen by nice sunny weather
when the glass-house can become well ventilated.
The water may not be colder than
15°C. For otherwise happens the following: the plants drop their leaves and they remain
hanging here and there between the branches. These places then also become infected by the
mould, through which the mould spreads through the whole plant and to the adjoining
plants. Naturally you can spout against the mould. But it is better first
cleaning all the plants and cut off all attacked branches, in spite of howmany more work
this is. Remove the fallen leaves on the soil in the pots while otherwise the root ball of
the plant is attacked again. When all plants are cleaned and are standing on their place
again it is advisable to spray with a controlspray against mould (for example Eupareen).
Young plants from which the stems aren't woody have more chance to been attacked by
botrytis than old plants. |