L. Making fuchsia crossbreedings according to a choosen aim

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More than 15000 fuchsia varieties indicate allready that making crossings of this plant mostly isn't difficult. Meanwhile some thousands of this varieties  are put no longer in circulation. And often is that because of the fact, that they qua flowers and appearance, only hardly new aspects of quality as an other colour gradation, an other format from the flower or the way of growing, added to the fuchsia collection.  Many of the lost ones are come into existence from crossbreeding-parents, that are crossed together without a directed aim of the crossbreeder. But an authentic crossbreeder of fuchsias, who will bring succeeded and believed novelties on market, works in an other way. To attains his object he works with an choosen aim and that asks from him first study and lateron often much patience.  But the finely obtaining of his choosen aim, that just is now the 'kick' of the improvement.


This article tries to bring in picture the method of making crossings following a choosen aim. The in picture brought crossings are thinked of and executed by Hans van Aspert, the author of the article serie 'Tried out for you'. And as you can read after this, a number of them has resulted in new varieties that gives satisfaction to the choosen aim of the author. This crossings are meanwhile approved by the VKC in Aalsmeer and you find them in the cadre article 'Jasper' may not, do me than more 'Jaspers Donderstraal' .

After the working-out from four of his choosen aims, you learns his method by the preparing of a program of making crossings. At the end of the article he tells about the manner of performing a crossing.


Choosen aim 1 - Large double red flowers

This was my first performed crossing with a choosen aim. There seem to be namely more very little fuchsias with a large red flower. First we choose now with wath 'mother' and wath 'father' plant our choosen aim could succeed.
As 'mother' I choose 'Mephisto' , for pollination will care 'father''White King' . From 'Mephisto' the crossbreedingparents are F.lycioides x 'Mrs.W.Rundle'. F.lycioides is a species and 'Mrs.W.Rundle' has as crossbreedingparents 'Earl of Beaconsfield'x'Lady Heytesbury'.  Crossbreedingparents of 'Earl of Beaconsfield'  are F.fulgens x 'Perfection'. From father'White King' however are the crossbreedingparents unknown. The only point of contact to become till a large red flower is the robust format of'White King' and the red flower of 'Mephisto'.

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1.'Jaspers Vlammetje' is a fuchsia - recent approved by VKC  -  with standup clusters of flowers.

But detrimental for the aimed result is the fact that'Mephisto' has come into existence out of different forefathers and that the forefathers of'White King' are unknown. Both facts are not favourable of making crossings with a choosen aim. It isn't amazing that there between the 130 sowings of this crossing, well were double flowers in several combinations of colours, but there was no one 'large double with red flowers'. Among them there were well with attractive flowers, among them was the by VKC approved 'Jaspers Donderstraal'. Conclusion: choosen aim 1 didn't succeed.


Choosen aim 2 - Hardy's with large white flower

In the collection tried out varieties hardys on the testing ground in Velp, there is still one variety with large white flowers. More hardy's with large white flowers would be desirable. As 'mother'was chosen the Ned-H3 hardy'Whiteknights Pearl' , as 'father' performs the duties of the also Ned-H3 hardy'Annabel'.
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2.'White' x 'white' = by definition not always white - Three sowings of 'Annabel' (to the left above) x 'Whiteknights Pearl' (to the left under). Right above and to the right under red/purple sowings not brought in circulation.

Crossbreedingparents of'Whiteknights Pearl' are F.mag. molinea 'alba' x 'Whiteknights Blush' (both Ned-H3 hardys). Crossbreedingparents of'Annabel' are 'Ingram Maid'x'Nancy Lou'. From the parents and grandparents the flowers are almost preponderant white and you may expect that Coosen aim 2 would deliver varieties with white flowers. But pict.2 shows that there came out principally varieties with red/purple flowers. The red/purple in the centre is well a novelty, because of the remarkable brown and yellow colour of the leaves. A fuchsia with this colour of the leaves still doesn't excist. Probable this one will be introduced in 2003 because of his exceptional colours of the leaves.  .

Conclusion: Crossing white x white so delivers not without doubt a new white variety. And choosen aim 2 didn't succeed.


Choosen aim 3 - Triphylla in one colour white

The only white triphyllas - 'Our Ted' and 'Challenger' - are difficult to breed up fuchsias and it is possible there are allready no plants of them to become.? As parents for the 'mother' of the white triphylla it is considered one of the varieties triphyllas , that are direct descendant of the difficult breeding species F.triphylla , such as 'Thalia', 'Koralle' or 'Göttingen'. 'Thalia' and 'Koralle'  seem to be not fertile, so we choose as 'mother' plant  'Göttingen'
As 'father' plant we choose F.magel. molinea 'alba', 'Hawkshead' or 'Whiteknights Pearl'. Out of the crossing 'Göttingen'x F.magel. molinea 'alba' there excist all plants with flowers of which the tubes were red, the white of the 'fatherplant' wasn't obvious passed on. Also seemed that all sowings out of it are sterile, so there couldn't breed longer with this sowings. And making the crossing with changed parents didn't also succeed. The crossing 'Göttingen'x'Whiteknights Pearl' delivers the same result. only the sowings were now dwarf shrubs. It is remarkable that of 'Whiteknights Pearl' one of the forefathers is F.fulgens rubra grandiflora, a large plant with large leaves and long flowers. And yet there is obvious an element in it that has a negative effect on the growth of the sowings (dwarfshrubs).

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3.'Jaspers Druppeltje' - Meanwhile also imported in Japan. Photo is found on the website http://www.fuchsia.jp/
Between these 90 sowings there was well an attractive dwarfshrub with fierce red flowers in the the form of a drop and it is put in circulation with the name'Jaspers Druppeltje' . Conclusion: choosen aim 3 'triphylla in one colour white',  didn't succeed.


Choosen aim 4 - Triphylla in aubergine colour

Here is choosen as mother'Göttingen' and as father the aubergine coloured 'Whiteknights Amethist'. Favourable result with lastnamed can been expected, while the parents of this one remains close by species fuchsias (F.magellanic molinea 'alba' x F.excorticata). The seed of this crossing germinated bad. Of the three sowings out of it there remained only one. These one remained sowing growed out, flowered and branched well. The long tubelous flower is total aubergine coloured. While the leaves aren't red-hairy (the leaf looks a like that of 'Whiteknights Amethist') it isn't a real triphylla.
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4.All three with the same mother - Above: 'Göttingen'x F.fulgens variegata became'Jaspers Vlammetje' ; in the middle: 'Göttingen'x'Whiteknights Pearl'  became 'Jaspers Druppeltje' and under: 'Göttingen'x'Whiteknights Amethist'   became 'Jaspers Lange Jaap'.

But this variety with the name'Jaspers Lange Jaap' had to winter as a triphylla: by minimum 10°C, standing in the light and moisty; try to hold then the plant growing. Conclusion: choosen aim 4 'Triphylla in aubergine colour' is succeeded.


Preparing a program of making crossings

He who occupies himself seriously with improving fuchsias, begins with making a crossings program on paper, what is a specific work for in winter. Plants of varieties, that are not in own collection and that are necessery as mother and father plant, best can procured in spring.

Don't think by choosing mother/father plants too 'rectilinear'. For example: 'white variety'x'white variety' gives white. That is not always the case. So was between the 79 sowings of'Whiteknights Pearl'x'Annabel' not one sowing with white flowers. Well are known from a number of varieties specific properties, that are often carried over to the sowings , The white of the magellanica sport F.magellanica molinea 'alba' and'Whiteknights Pearl' becomes reasonable carried over to sowings coming out of them. But are these white sowings used again in following crossings, then comes the white seldom back. Allthough crossings parents of the variety'Bon Accord' with characteristic rising up flowers, are not known, this cultivar seems to carry over well 'rising up flowers' (see the descendants 'Toos', 'Upward Look', 'Vobeglo' and 'Gwen Dodge'). Pay attention to the fact of the parents haven't a week root system, for example F.magdalenae and'La Campanella' (see in the Fuchsia-info Magazine on this website article 8a. What have authors of fuchsias yet with 'La Campanella'? and 8b. Fuchsia cross-breedings with in it 'La Campanella' ).

Mother plants must have always a good pistil, father plants must deliver good pollen. Look also well if the plants are good growing and if the choosen varieties are well branching and if the branches have short internodia (length between 2 pairs of leaves).

Select the sowings on good growing out and unfeelingness for pests. By sowings, that will not grow well, we take cuttings and see if them still are to use, provided that they then grow well. Are they fertile, use them then only for crossing further. Do this in advance by a pollination of the variety himself with pollen of a sister-sowing; then the chance is the greatest yet still to reach the supposed aim.

Don't give up too quick when crossings didn't succeed., search on to crossingsparents, that can realise the supposed aim.


Manner performing a crossing

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5.Pollination - The pistil becomes besmeared with pollen of the fatherplant.

Pollinating can been done all the year, but goes best end August till in Januari. Think by that in the monthes December, Januari and Februari the currents bad are growing and a late pollination results then also in little currents. When by the motherplant the flower is standing springing open, it becomes pushed open. The pistil then must been besmeared with pollen of the fatherplant (pict. 5). This we do so by holding a stamen on which is sitting pollen out of the flower of the fatherplant, and push it against the pistil. After this the pistil is covered with a little cocoon of silver-paper (pict. 7).   This is made by rolling a piece of silverpaper around a little stick or nail and push after that the undersite close. Push off the cocoon, bring it around the pollinated pistil, and pinch this carefully at the top flat with a pair of tweezers. So bees cann't carry over again pollen of an unknown variety to the pistil. 

Write on a stitch label the name of the mother plant as well of the father plant, and paste this around  the flowerstalk (pict. 6). Gather the berry when it is ripe, the berry feels then soft. The gathered berries are made open by pushing them open with the point of a knife on a piece of paper from a kitchen scroll. The seeds are little and the colour is lightbrown, store them in paper bags by room temperatuur.  Green seeds aren't to store. They had to been sowed immediately.  Best time of sowing for stored seeds is Februari. Sow them on a sterile feeding poor soil for slips.     Do you suppose the soil for slips isn't sterile, it can been made sterile in the magnetron by a teperature of 100°C. When this soil is cooled down, put it in trays and afterthat made this  lightly moist. The seed becomes then spread on the soil level, but may not been covered with soil.

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6.Stitch labels  - Write on the label the name of the mother plant as well of the father plant, and paste this around the flower stalk.

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7. By shoving a little cocoon on the pollinated pistil, it becomes protected against pollinating by bees.

Seeds of fuchsias namely are germinaters in light. Water the seed with a mouldy preventing expedient and cover the tray with a piece of glass. The best circumstances for germinating is placing them in light by a temperature of 20 till 24°C. When the seed is germinated the little plants are potted in an airy pottingsoil riche to feeding. The temperature for a good growing out must be 15 till 20°C.  Take care that the little plants get much light (no direct sunlight). Don't forget placing the stitch labels with the (code)name or the name of the crossparents. Breed the young plants outdoors after 15 Mai, you may not top them then. While we want that the sowings are flowering as soon as possible. Flowers, that are flowering after the first flower, are often different of the form of the first flower.



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'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - November 2008